
Our Mission: Live and Grow in ChristEncourage and Reach Others

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

Clearly, our community and world won’t know of Jesus unless we speak of the difference He has made in our lives. Our challenge is to be prepared and ready to witness the hope we have in Christ Jesus.


Deaf Ministry

Our goal is to provide all deaf and hard of hearing persons and their family members accessibility at Life in Christ Lutheran Church in order that they may worship, receive religious education, participate in all aspects of parish life, and minister to others. Learn More >


BLessing Bags

Blessing Bags are truly a blessing. Our congregation puts together a collection of items (such as toiletries and food) to share with those in need. As our members are out in their daily lives, they pass out the bags in our local community and in the greater Phoenix area.


Blood Drive

We proudly host several blood drives throughout the year to support our community.

Remember: Blood cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors. Do something only you can do: donate blood. 


vacation Bible School

We host a free Vacation Bible School (VBS) program every summer for children ages pre-K through 6th grade.

Vacation Bible School is a fun and meaningful way to share the love of Jesus!  Our vacation Bible school weeks are full of music, games, crafts, and Jesus! In the Summer of 2021,  we traveled to Egypt for a "Wilderness Escape." In 2022, we celebrated the gifts God has given each one of us with "Spark Studios." 

We loved these adventures and we look forward to vacation Bible school in 2025.